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virtual_records [2022/11/11 15:59]
virtual_records [2022/12/20 14:35] (current)
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 +===== Dime Ensemble + Guests - Continuum Composition =====
 +For this new composition,​ Dime Ensemble invites electronic musicians from Bergen, Lima and Limassol to join a common Glocal performance in one single orchestral network music symphony.
 +The ChaosOrchestra is playing a new collective online performance with visuals and sound experimentation through the network.
 +Dime Ensemble is entering the force of Chaoslab with a performance in shared virtual space, joining outer-space inside cables transmission. Experimentation in signal production join the beyond through inter-connected physical space.
 +Dime Ensemble – APO33 (FR) + Vonrik Haug – Piksel (NO) + TransPiksel Abya Yala (PE) + MAD Lab (GR)
 +Dime Ensemble musicians for this album are:
 +Julien Ottavi – Modular synth, guitar-bass,​ mpc
 +Jenny Pickett – Guitar, Modular synth
 +Vonrik Haug - Electronics
 +Chloé Malaise -computer & circuit bending
 +Julien Héraud – modular synth
 +Vincent Loret – modular synth
 +Robin Plastre – electronics
 +Marco Valdivia - computer
 +Marinos Koutsomichalis,​ - Supercollider
 +Andreas Kitsis -Electronics
 +Antonis Theodosiou - Electronics  ​
 +<iframe style="​border:​ 0; width: 80%; height: 120px;"​ src="​https://​​EmbeddedPlayer/​album=140050549/​size=large/​bgcol=333333/​linkcol=0f91ff/​tracklist=false/​artwork=small/​transparent=true/"​ seamless><​a href="​https://​​album/​continuum-composition">​Continuum Composition by Dime Ensemble</​a></​iframe>​
 +released December 20, 2022 
 ===== Orgone Percussion Ensemble - Rhythmajik - Live at Plateforme Intermedia ===== ===== Orgone Percussion Ensemble - Rhythmajik - Live at Plateforme Intermedia =====
virtual_records.1668178767.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/11/11 15:59 by julienottavi