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bats_insects_recording [2008/08/03 22:32]
bats_insects_recording [2020/09/22 08:36]
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 +we could record insects with hydrophone but a lot of them speak with ultrasonic frequency (up to 16000Hz), bats also use also this frequency as a sonar, and some others animals...
 +this is recording made with special device that translate those communications.
 +===== ANTS RECORDINGS =====
 +==== April 2016 - Broceliande - FR ====
 +<iframe src="​https://​​embed/​antsbroceliande&​playlist=1"​ width="​500"​ height="​100"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen="​true"​ mozallowfullscreen="​true"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​
 +=== August 2008 - Norfolk - UK ===
 +<object type="​application/​x-shockwave-flash"​ width="​400"​ height="​170"​
 +<param name="​movie" ​
 +value="​xspf_player.swf?​playlist_url=playlist1.xspf"​ />
 +=== July 2007 - Correze ===
 +**19 juillet 2007 - Pommerie**
 +[[http://​​sons/​index.php?​n=0&​n2=a8fe2763f8fbb1f92b462bc1fb5d1832&​p=RklCUlJfUkVDT1JEUy9PUEVOX1JFQ09SRElOR1MvQU1QTElGSUNBVElPTi9BTlRTL3BvbW1lcmllX2NvcnJlemVfanVseV8yMDA3Lw==&​d=0&​mark=|amplification of Formica Sanguinea made with a piezo in the forest of Pommerie (correze)]]
 +=== july 2005 - south of France ===
 +[[http://​​sons/​index.php?​n=0&​n2=cdbc11797b0a1de9ead4bfeded49dc18&​p=RklCUlJfUkVDT1JEUy9PUEVOX1JFQ09SRElOR1MvQU1QTElGSUNBVElPTi8=&​d=0&​mark=|Simple amplification of Ants activities ​ (made with a piezo) in a camping ​ in the south west of France]]
 +===== BATS RECORDING =====
 +==== with Ultrasound detector D100 - Pettersson ====
 +==== 21 juillet 2007 -Gouffre de la Fage ====
 +**Recording made at the exit of the gouffre when the bats goes out to hunt**
 +<iframe src="​https://​​embed/​enregistrement_brut_chauves_souris_gouffre_fage_21_07_07&​playlist=1&​list_height=550"​ width="​500"​ height="​100"​ frameborder="​0"​ webkitallowfullscreen="​true"​ mozallowfullscreen="​true"​ allowfullscreen></​iframe>​
 +we catched 4 species : 
 +le grand rinolophe
 +rinolophe euryale
 +le minioptére de schreibers
 +le grand murin
 +[[http://​​sons/​index.php?​n=0&​n2=dc8e5eed43c5f7639cb5350b01c29fc3&​p=RklCUlJfUkVDT1JEUy9PUEVOX1JFQ09SRElOR1MvVUxUUkFTT05JQ1Mv&​d=0&​mark=|download all the recordings]]
bats_insects_recording.txt · Last modified: 2020/09/22 08:36 by julien